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Thursday, November 28, 2013

NiN CCZHR "Ninjas Elite Clan Division of Command and Conquer Zero Hours Reborn"

Hi everyone,

Here at the NiN Gaming Clan Central Command "CCC", we wanted to tell everyone and especially to all members of the two Ninjas Elite Clan Divisions of Command & Conquer Zero Hours and Generals (NiN CCZH & NiN CCG) that our staff are working on establishing a new NiN Gaming clan division in an awesome mod created just for CCZH called Command and Conquer Zero Hours Reborn or ZH Reborn for short.

The new NiN CCZHR "Ninjas Elite Clan Division of Command and Conquer Zero Hours Reborn" should be established soon in the future with more details to come on how to download the ZH Reborn mod and install it (with provided tech assistance from the NiN Tech Team if needed during the downloading and installation processes), as well as with providing tutorials and replays on how to play the mod effectively.

NiN CCZHR members will have rooms created on Gameranger just for playing that mod only and not the normal CCZH, and we are looking for NiN CCZH members, as well as anyone else who might be interested to join our newly created NiN CCZHR division and have the time to play ZH Reborn on Gameranger instead of just CCZH.

If you are interested then please inform NiN-Holly234 in game that you want to join NiN CCZHR and we will go from there.

Snapshots from Zero Hours Reborn in-game are attached below, feel free to have a look.

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