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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Alien Invasion Machinima Trailer and Part I

Alien Invasion Machinima Trailer and Part I

(A Machinima created by Ninjas Elite Productions)


It is the year of 2035 and the armies of all nations on the planet earth are at war with each other for the control of the planet's last resources for survival.

The earthly beings had been bringing on havoc and destruction upon themselves, leading to natural disasters happening and causing bigger consequences by sending shock waves across the universe.

In a distant galaxy, away from the Milky Way, a more intelligent species than our own, received news of earth's troubles and decided to invade our planet earth and harness the power of its sun.

Assured that our planet's forces are at war with each other and are not strong enough to face them in battle, they decided to send their mighty space ships fleet loaded with a mighty army to invade the planet and turn any of its human population resistance into zombies....


Please note that this machinima and its script are completely fictitious and are not related to real life events in any shape or form.

This machinima has been created for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Thanks everyone and enjoy. NiN for the Win.

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